Closet Woes

Free your closet of the old you and last season’s energy.

If you’re anything like me, going through your closet is a task that makes you want to scream.

It may be healthy to purge but honestly, I need to have at least 2 martinis in me before I start the process and even then all I want to do is hide between my fat clothes and my skinny jeans.

Cleaning closet with a martini in hand

5 tips to clearing your closet

For those of you who struggle with this daunting task every season, here are a few tips that I do to make it a little easier.

1) Stare down your opponent, don’t let that bulging closet get to you. Remember this is war. Don’t be afraid to charge ahead.

2) If it doesn’t pass your thighs it’s time to say goodbye. Yes, ladies, it’s time to say goodbye to those sexy designer jeans you wore 10 years ago when you were 20 lbs lighter. I know this is a hard one but trust me here. If you couldn’t wear them last year or the year before chances are you will never wear them again. Don’t blame yourself, just blame it on age and gravity then move the hell on.

3) You might need it. Just as your about to put that jacket into the donate pile a little voice in your head stops you and tells you might need if one day. That voice your hearing is the closet devil. Take a deep breath and stay strong. Don’t be fooled. The truth is, if you haven’t worn it in over a year you will never wear it again.

4) Kiss tinker bell goodbye. Sad but true we all have a little tinker bell in all of us, certain pieces of clothing bring us back to a time when we were a little younger than we are today. The rule of thumb here is anything you wore 5 years ago needs to go.

5) Martini glass, shaken not stirred with big olives. Or whatever your fave drink is.

If you follow these 5 easy steps you will begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel or in this case more room in your closet to buy clothes.

Now, how great is that? However, there is one more rule I live by. I never, ever get rid of my fat clothes. Not because I plan to grow into them. But because they make me feel so skinny every season when I try them back on.

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